RV Camping

Thinking about hooking up your RV and heading to Canada? Well if you aren’t a Canadian citizen, take the time to get better acquainted with a few facts before you go..

Although Canada is our friendly neighbor, and not as receptive to mass illegal border crossings as the Untied States, you are still a foreign national from their perspective. Therefore, by all means be aware of your status and make every effort comply with Canada’s Visitor Requirements.

Click here to get more information from the Canadian Tourism Commission. As you will discover, in addition to a passport, visiting our northern neighbor is more complicated than ever.

Taking your pet from the USA into Canada

Many RVers travel with pets and trying to sneak your beloved Fido or Fluffy across the border could land you in serious legal hot water. Don’t allow yourself to be surprised when you are not allowed to bring your pet into Canada. Take the time to read and comply with the rules posted by the Government of Canada on their website by clicking here.

Taking your pet from Canada into the USA

As you might suspect, the Unites States has its own set of rules about bringing animals into the country. To avoid unnecessary legal problems with your pet, familiarize yourself with the requirements posted at the United States CDC Government website by clicking here.


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