RV Camping

Buddy Bear in the Smokies RV and Cabins Is Looking For Work Camper Couple In Tennessee $$

Buddy Bear in the Smokies RV and CabinsLooking to move to Smokies of TN. Buddy Bear In The Smokies RV Campground looking for an energetic outgoing couple to join us.
We are looking for someone who could oversee the park if we are not here. We also live onsite.
In exchange for FHU site: 20 hours combined per week
Any hours over 10 each will be paid at $12.00 per hour.
Looking for couple to work around 25 hours each per week could be more during peak times. Same days off. Same days on.
Duties to include but not limited to office, housekeeping, mowing, weed eating, pool Maintenance, minor repairs around park.
Start dates: We are in search now but are flexible with start dates.
Email Bio or resume  to .
Website: http://Buddybearinthesmokies.com

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