iRVin’s Park and Campground Is Looking For Work Camper Couples For The 2024 Season in Valemount, British Columbia $$
Our park, located on the edge of the Rocky Mountains, just over an hour from Jasper, AB, is a full service park offering sites for every size of unit and type of stay. We have hosted many people overnight and others who stay the whole season. Tourists participate in local tours or ride the trails in our spectacular downhill bike park or travel back and forth to Jasper. Others relax and enjoy our wonderful mountain views.
Our job requirements are for 2 couples who will start around the beginning of May and work through the end of September. Each couple will work 4 days and then get 4 days off, alternating with the other couple during the camping season. This would be suitable for 2 couples who are already friends, or have the opportunity to get to know and work with new people. Work hours vary according to which part of the job each person is undertaking, but usually no more than 7 hours per work day.
Applicants should be happy, friendly individuals who like to meet people, self motivated and capable of working without direct supervision, cooperative and flexible. Good health and full mobility are required. Spoken and written English are necessary, other languages especially German, French or Dutch are assets in meeting campers. Some computer skills are necessary for the person working in the office. Always happy to welcome people who are handy with tools–plumbing, electrical, carpentry, mechanics, RV maintenance.
Applicants need to have their own RV unit. A full service site with either 30 or 50 AMP power is provided for each couple for the summer. You are also offered free laundry and WiFi. A monthly management fee is paid to each couple. At the end of the camp season, staff also share financially in the success of the season.
Duties include but are not limited to:
- Daily cleaning of vacated sites, collection and organization of garbage and recycled materials.
- Vehicle maintenance
- Lawn mowing, whipper snipping, tree trimming and other site maintenance.
- Propane service by one member of each couple (training and licensing provided after arrival).
- Cleaning of washrooms, laundry and office/store facilities.
- Office duties including registration of campers, answering phone calls, taking reservations, maintaining computer based reservation system.
- Answering camper questions about the park or local attractions.
- Helping to address and solve problems or conflicts within the park.
Please send resume and cover letter to Pat at or call 250-566-4781.