RV Camping

Northern Lights Resort and Outfitters Is Looking For a Few More Work Camper Couples In Minnesota $$

Northern Lights Resort and OutfittersVisit Northern Lights Resort and Outfitters that is located in Voyageurs National Park in Kabetogama, Minnesota

New opening! Spend the summer at the lake in the heart of Voyageurs National Park! You will be joining this first-class family-oriented fishing resort that consists of 14 cabins and numerous boats to rent offering the best vacation experience possible to our guests, some new and many returning year after year. Live/work in a beautiful location on the lake with cool evenings, brilliant sun rises and sets.
We are looking for a few more, lively and friendly couples to round out our returning staff 5/1-10/10. Duties may include grounds maintenance, housekeeping for cabin rentals, oversight of dock & boat rentals, a fish cleaning service, front desk and gift store. Couples work similar shifts/days.
FHU with wages/tips/perks in exchange for flexible work schedule: 32 – 40 hours/person/week. Gas bonus. or call: 218-485-1179
Website: http://nlro.com

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