RV Camping

The Sawmill Station Is Now Hiring Work Campers For The 2025 Season In Idaho $$

Sawmill Station

The Sawmill Station provides a pleasant and welcoming work environment in an amazing location. We are looking for honest and conscientious workers to round out our team. If you are the type of person who enjoys mountain recreation such hiking, biking, fishing, or OHVs; or if you just want to get away from city life for a while, working at the Sawmill this summer would be a great opportunity for you.

Basic Job Description

You will work in a variety of capacities across our 5 different business categories: RV park, fuel, convenience store, bistro, and UTV rentals. We cross-train all of our staff to be able to handle the different tasks necessary in all categories of the business. Training will occur in the spring. The Sawmill is very busy during the high season and the work pace can be brisk during that time.


  • Hourly Pay: Starting pay is $10/hr. When fully cross-trained compensation increases to $15/hr.
  • Tips: Our staff receives tips which generally range from $2-6/hr.
  • RV Space and Utilities: We provide a 30 amp, full hook-up RV space including utilities at no cost to our staff who reside in RVs. (value is $600/mo)
  • Meals: e provide one meal per shift at no cost to our staff on the day of the shift. (value is approx. $323/ mo)
  • UTV Use: We provide the use of one UTV/month/couple or individual at a minimal cost to staff (** staff member must assume financial responsibility for any damages incurred and pay a ride fee of $35, plus fuel. This benefit is non-transferable.). (value is $400/mo)
  • Assuming a 30 hour work week, the value of the total compensation package is approximately $29/hour.


Staff members typically wish to work 20-30 hours per week and we do our best to accommodate their scheduling preferences. However, the level of business and the number of people available can vary and affect the number of hours required or available. As a condition of employment at the Sawmill Station, you must be willing to be flexible with the number of hours you will work in order to accommodate the needs of the business and in which positions you will work.

Please send your resume or make inquiries to , or fill out the contact form on our website. We look forward to welcoming you as part of The Sawmill Station!
Website: https://www.thesawmillstation.com/

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