RV Camping

California camping opportunities are abundant in this diverse state. You will be able to enjoy camping in Redwood forests, mountainous areas such as Yosemite, desert regions, ocean, river, and lake camping. Campsites are run by private, county, local, federal, and state campground operators, so you have an amazing choice of places to park your RV or pitch a tent.

The primary focus for the web pages listed here is campgrounds and RV parks near California’s major theme park attractions including Disneyland, SeaWorld San Diego, and Universal Studios Hollywood. We’ve included estimated driving distances from each campground to help you narrow your search for the RV park that best suits your needs. Below are the pages for camping near each theme park:

Camping Near Disneyland, Anaheim, California
Camping Near SeaWorld San Diego, California
Camping Near Universal Studios, Los Angeles, California

Featured California Campgrounds

Hollywood RV Park
Ramona Oaks RV Resort

Learn about being a work camper and work camping jobs on our Work Camping Jobs Page

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