RV Camping

Frequently Asked Questions About The Job Listings

Q: Will you mail me a list of the jobs?

Just enter your name and email address in the sign-up form on the workcamper jobs page to join our email list. We send out email notifications to you the day we receive new job listings. Best of all, this is a free service for you, so it will never cost you anything to subscribe.

Q: I subscribed to your email list and when I click on the link for a job listing why am I seeing a different job listing when I get to the web page?

Quite frequently we post more than one job listing for a state on the same day. All you have to do is scroll down the page a little and you’ll find the job you’re looking for. If you don’t see the ad then that means the employer has filled the position and asked us to remove the job listing.

To make a specific link in the emails jump directly to a specific job listing on one of the many web pages would require that we keep a running database of hundreds of ever-changing anchor links and that is more work than we are willing to do.

Q: Will you add the date posted to the job listings?

No. The reason we do not add dates is that employers in the first two or three job listings will get most of the applicants while employer ads further down the page are ignored. You can limit your search to our Recent Job Listings web page if you prefer spending the least possible time in your job search.

Q: How do I know which are the most recent job listings?

The jobs at the top of the page are the most recently posted and get progressively older toward the bottom of the page, just keep in mind that just because a listing is further down the jobs page does not mean that the employer is not seeking employees. Also, you can click on the new jobs link at the top of this page for a complete listing.

Q: All the listings I contacted said the positions are filled. Why are the ads still there?

Basically, there are two reasons:

•We ask all employers to notify us when a job position is filled. It’s very common that the employer simply forgets to contact me about deleting their ad when the position is filled.
•Frequently, employers choose to leave their ad on the site indefinitely. Here is a typical scenario: Campground sends me a job listing which I post. Campground gets a commitment from a work camper and has me remove the ad. Two weeks later the same campground has to repost the ad because the work camper backed out on their commitment. Another employee is hired and then quits after working a week and another ad has to be posted. Often it is much more practical for a campground to have a steady flow of applicants by keeping an ad listed for longer periods of time.

Q: How often do you remove old job listings?

About twice a year I review all the listings, remove the ones that have obviously expired. Although I try to keep the jobs listed as current as possible, the very small amount of income that I do earn from this website does not permit me to take a substantial amount of time away from activities that do pay my bills.

Quite honestly, this is a free service provided for both potential work campers and employers placing their ads with us. The expenses for the website are paid by the ads on the pages. Considering that 98% of the people who visit our website never visit any of the ads, and a huge percentage of visitors deny us any chance of revenue by using ad blockers, you aren’t going to get the level of service you would expect if instead we charged you to view ads and charged employers to place their ads.

We do what we can to make sure the job listings are legitimate, but considering that you pay nothing for the information, you should reasonably expect to invest a little time in utilizing this free resource.

Q: Why aren’t there more work camper job listings posted for my state?

With this being a free listing service I post jobs that employers voluntarily send to me in addition to the job opportunities suggested by visitors such as yourself. I do not actively solicit job listings from employers as this would be an extremely time-intensive and costly proposition.

Q: Why didn’t you respond to the resume that I sent you?

I don’t hire employees for the campgrounds and I do not forward your resume for you to employers. The jobs section of this website has the contact information for each employer.

We have tried posting resumes for work campers but found that there was little to no interest on the part of employers in browsing the list of available people, so we no longer offer the free resume listing service..

Q. Will you please send out my resume to the different campgrounds?

Sorry, but that is not a service provided by this website.

Q: Why don’t you show the hourly pay for the jobs or the value of the RV site being exchanged for work?

I simply post the information supplied to me by the employer. Often wages and benefits are negotiable based on what you can offer the employer and that information is best obtained directly from the company offering the position.

Q: Why do you list these jobs for free?

Back when we started the full-time RV lifestyle we did not have the money to pay for a subscription service listing work camper jobs and decided to make this type of information freely available for anyone regardless of their financial circumstances. The free work camper and volunteer camp hosting jobs information represent thousands of potential available jobs that we would have been grateful to know about when we first began our RV’ing adventure.


Learn about being a work camper and work camping jobs on our Work Camping Jobs Page

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