RV Camping

Introduction To Our Full-Time RVing GluideThank you for taking the time to read this online guide about full-time RV camping and the full-time RV lifestyle. I’m sure your first question is “why should I listen to you”. That’s a very good question and I know that you’ll have plenty more similar burning questions.

Well, my name is Will Smith. My wife Alicia and I have been living full-time in our Airstream travel trailer since July 12, 1993. We have traveled from coast to coast, and far north to the deep south, earning a living as we go. Our choice to travel was made with great difficulty because of the following handicaps:

  • We had very little money in our pocket when we left. We had no supplemental income and no nest egg to fall back on. No credit cards for emergencies. Basically, we were broke.
  • We did not have a job waiting on us at our destination nor did we even know if we could get one.
  • We did not know for sure if we could support ourselves and move frequently.
  • Our tow vehicle was a vintage 1974 Chevy Suburban that had lots of miles. We didn’t know if it would even get us to our first destination.
  • We had never lived in an RV, much less towed one.

Our next-door neighbor thought we were crazy and advised us that not only was traveling in our RV a crummy idea but also warned us about all the highway shootings and hijackings going on. We had similar dire warnings from other acquaintances.

Introduction To Our Full-Time RVing Gluide

Alicia In Wyoming

Despite the barrage of negativity, and our own looming self-doubts, we sold all our “stuff”, loaded the Suburban and Airstream, and drove off into an exotic adventure. We have never regretted the decision and count the experience as enriching and rewarding. We have lived the dream and it was worth it for us.

It is my hope that the information in the following pages will help you make your decision, or if you are already RV’ing, help you become better informed. This guide is not intended to be a comprehensive reference work, but you’ll certainly know far more than we did about full-time RV living, and working while traveling.

I would also advise you to seek out other opinions. Our point of view, like any other point of view, is tainted and shaped by our own personal experiences. This is just my way of saying that I don’t have all the answers, and contrary to many opinions that will be offered to you, neither does anyone else.

You see, we could travel together, same highway, same destination, and come away with stories so different it would be difficult to believe that we had been in the same places at the same time. Keep this in mind when someone is delivering his or her opinion to you.

Your choice of occupation may not work for others and vice versa. Your preference for a particular type of RV or vehicle may be totally revolting to another person and likewise, their choices are equally repugnant, or desirable to you.

There is an infinite number of ways to experience the RV’ing lifestyle and in the end, the only experience that really matters is your own. Therefore, use this guide as a source of ideas, and follow your own path using your own common sense.

Next Chapter – Work camping to pay for your RVing lifestyle.

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