RV Camping

The Route of the Hiawatha Is Looking For Camp Host On The Idaho/Montana Border $$

Route of the HiawathaThe Route of the Hiawatha – Scenic mountain bike or hike trail is located on the ID/MT boarder off interstate 90 in the Bitterroot Mountains.
We are looking for a camp host (single or couple) to monitor the East Portal parking area for the Hiawatha. Parking, partial hook-up and stipend role, with the option to work in other areas at an hourly wage. Benefits include bike trail usage and access.
The parking area does not allow for overnight parking, part of our host role is to monitor the lot in the evening and in the morning, additional staff are working from 8:30am to 6pm daily.
Email for more details or to apply.
Website: http://www.ridethehiawatha.com

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