Indian Pass Campgrounds Is Looking For Work Campers In Florida
15-25 hrs
Core Duties
- Restroom/laundry
- Clean restrooms daily between 10-11am
- Restock bathroom supplies
- Physical spot check of restrooms and clean when necessary later in the day
- Check daily that all toilets, sinks, showers, lights fans A/C, doors and shower curtains are working properly
- Check and clean Laundry room once daily, confirm all equipment is working properly and are clean, remove any lent, ensure laundry room door is/stays closed.
- Report to manager any and all repairs needed
- 9:00am Monday, Wednesday & Friday – run honey wagon for guest list given to you by manager
- 8:00am – using IP Camp golf cart or work truck ride entire property checking for any uncleanliness or anything unusual that should be reported to manager such as:
- Suspected trespassers
- Any safety hazards
- 9:am- get check in & departure list for the day from manager and ensure the sites are free from obstruction and other trash, ensure breakers and water spigots are in working order
- Palm fronds, Palm fronds, Palm fronds… with our location being right on the Florida coast we have amply palm
- tress, these trees shed years round so palm front fall often.
- Weed eating in areas not cut by Lawn company
- Spraying for weeds around property when needed
- Walk the beach daily to check for and remove trash and debris
- Check entire park daily for trash that needs to be picked up.
- Check levels of chlorine in tank and refill as necessary.
Asset Protection
- Work Truck
- Check oil and transmission weekly
- Change oil every 3000 miles (at local business)
- Check air filter every 6 months
- Check power steering fluid every 3 months
- Check brake and fluid every 3 months
Golf Cart
- Top off batteries (within an inch from top) with distilled water every 3 months
- Clean and wash once monthly
Trade for Core Duties: A marsh front site valued at $1521. monthly.
Other duties/projects as needed, requested or pre-approved:
Anything done above and beyond the core duties listed above is to be paid at $15.00 and hr. Projects and duties that fall in this category are to be pre-approved by manager. A detailed time sheet to be kept and approved by manager.
Owners seek to pay you for your time spent on items that do not fall under the core duties. You are encouraged to be proactive in looking for extra projects and duties that will enhance the customer experience.
Some examples that fall into this category would include:
- repairing broken toilets/urinals
- repairing breakers/faucets
- Cleaning/pressure washing/bleaching buildings
- Replacing decking on building when needed
- After hours help when needed
- repairing/patching roadways in park
- Anything not listed in the above core duties and asked of you by the manager.
You will report directly to your hiring manager.
Campgrounds normal business hours are 9am to 5pm. Your duties may require you to work prior to or after normal business hours. You will be expected to support business needs before and after business hours as necessary for such matters as customers needs, campground emergencies, etc.
You will also be expected to give your manager a five day notice prior to time off so arrangements can be made ahead of time to cover your duties.
All inquiries should be “To The Attention Of Connie” Email:
Contact info on our website at